We are nearing the end of Lent. How has it been for you? If good, I’m so very happy. If not, I want to offer some words of encouragement! It is not too late, for any of us, wherever we are at in our Lenten journey. If good, persevere forward and if not, renew your commitment, your sacrifices, your prayer, fasting and almsgiving.
If you are not sure where you need to go, here are some ideas:
Consider ways to meet our 40-day Lenten challenge. Create some holy moments in the days of Lent that remain. And beyond! Commit to a new discipline that makes a difference in yours or someone else’s life. Think about priorities for the next two weeks. Can I begin each day with a prayer? Can I attend daily Mass? Can I say the rosary? Can I join the Lenten Small Group at the Parish Center? Can I help a friend, a relative or even a stranger? Can I be more patient? Can I be more supportive? Can I help others who are going through a hard time? Go for it…there is still time to make this the “best Lent ever”.
On Tuesday, March 28, 2023 at 7:30 PM we had our Lenten Penance Service at Holy Trinity Church. If you weren’t able to attend, the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available on Saturday, April 1, 2023 from 4:00 to 4:30 in the Church here at Saint Helen. Please stop by. You may find a lifting of pressures or pain that provides you an opportunity to feel the loving mercy and grace of God, a beautiful preparation for Easter and, quite frankly, our lives, in general.
In these last weeks of Lent, let us be open to the transformative power of God’s love and mercy in our lives. Pope Francis recently said “Dear brothers and sisters, may the Holy Spirit inspire and sustain us this Lent in our ascent with Jesus, so that we may experience his divine splendor and thus, confirmed in faith, persevere in our journey together with him, glory of his people and light of the nations.”
God Bless you all,
Msgr. Tom