Year 1 Beginnings is the start of your child’s formal faith formation in the Church and of a lifetime of learning about and living for Jesus Christ!
Year 1 Beginnings is designed for children in first grade or second grade and in their first year of Faith Formation. This program is the first year of your child’s Sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation and First Communion.
Year 1 Beginnings Sessions are faith-filled, engaging, intentional, and fun! The program is held in large group sessions in room 102/103 of Meaney Hall. The children are divided into smaller groups at tables along with a volunteer minister(teacher) to instruct them. We strive for consistency for the children, opening with the Gathering Song, a prayer, and the Sacred Space lesson. Year 1 Beginnings uses Bible stories, faith-based videos, and music to engage the children. The children (and volunteers!) pray together, sing songs of worship, learn about the Mass, the liturgical calendar, and more.
Our programs could not run without the generosity of our volunteer ministers, pleas consider answering God’s call to volunteer with us!
The format is as follows: dates are on the schedule of the year
– One in person session a month
– One at home lesson emailed per month to do at home parent & child
Year 2 Blessed is designed for children in second grade or third grade who are in their second year of Faith Formation. This program is the second year of your child’s Sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation and First Communion. The program is held in large group sessions in room 102/103 of Meaney Hall, and the children are divided into smaller groups at tables along with a volunteer minister(teacher) to instruct them. Our programs could not run without the generosity of our volunteer ministers, please consider answering God’s call to volunteer with us!
Through visually stunning animation, workbooks that are works of art, and incredible content, our Blessed sessions lead children, step-by-step, to where God is calling them to be as they prepare to receive two Sacraments!
Blessed sessions will consist of:
– Two in person sessions a month- please follow the schedule dates
– Blessing Cup Retreat – parent required to attend with their child – date on the schedule
The Grade 3 & Grade 4 program - each grade is represented in each group:
- Register for Grade 3 if your child is in grade 3 and in their third year of faith formation
- Register for Grade 4 if your child is in grade 4 and in their fourth year of faith formation or if your child is in Grade 3 and just made their First Communion because they were in Year 2 Blessed, they will register for Grade 4
The Grade 3 & Grade 4 program format is a large in person session with smaller breakout groups within them and held in room 102/103 in Meaney Hall. As Our Sunday Visitor – Alive in Christ workbook is a spiral curriculum, it enables us to combine the grades for a good sense of community and peer learning. The children are divided into smaller groups at tables along with a volunteer minister(teacher) to instruct them based on their grade level and using their workbooks. We come together as a large group for prayer and discussions.
The Grades 3 and 4 program will focus on the life, mission, and saving work of Jesus Christ, helping to lay the foundation for a lifelong relationship with Jesus. Faith into practice activities and questions, prompt children to relate knowledge of our faith with their life experience so they can apply the many ways we worship, live, pray, and serve together as Catholics. Our programs could not run without the generosity of our volunteer ministers, please consider answering God’s call to volunteer with us!
The format is:
– One-Two large group session per month- please follow the scheduled dates
– Optional grade 3 & 4 retreat on March 2 –registration link will be sent out closer to the date if your child would like to attend the retreat, please register them
- Reconciliation service in March for grades 3-8 see scheduled dates, optional but encouraged and during the season of Lent.
- Speaker event