Last week’s Stewardship Spotlight featured Mother Cabrini’s persistent pursuit of doing good for others – and challenging us to do the same – rather than leaving “it” to others.
We may see Mother Cabrini’s “it” very clearly in her lifetime of ministry, providing education, healthcare, and social services across the United States and around the globe. However, she did not do this alone, but relied on an abundance of prayer and on the support and contributions of money, time, and labor from others.
What is our “it?” What do we give of ourselves to fulfill that? As Monsignor Tom highlighted in our “All In” 2023 report, “At Saint Helen we are blessed with abundance in so many ways: beautiful worship space; dynamic and well-attended liturgies; hundreds of parishioners engaged in ministries; broad and impactful outreach to the community.”
On this Palm Sunday weekend, as we anticipate Christ’s Passion and Resurrection, let us consider our abundance as both a blessing and a challenge. In this way, we will view our parish programs, outreach in the community, and financial support as something for each of us to take part in, rather leaving “it” to others.
Consider how you and your family will respond with gratitude this Easter season. Here are a few ways to make your gift:
1) Through Venmo: @sainthelennj
2) Through a one-time Easter gift online:
3) Through your Easter Offering envelope
Visit: for a full schedule of Holy Week and Easter Sunday, as well as social media messages and graphics for you to use to invite others to join you…thank you!