Msgr. Tom’s Weekly Note – 4/12/24

There are so many things for which I am grateful. Having the honor of presiding during Holy Week, the Paschal Triduum and Easter Mass, and every Mass, inspires incredible gratitude for me, especially with so many of us celebrating together.

Thank you for joining us on Easter Sunday. Whether you were in the main church, our Chapel, in the Meaney Parish Center or on-line, I was thrilled to celebrate Easter with you! I believe we had over 3,300 people join us. I enjoyed meeting many of your friends and relatives and hope they felt and will always feel welcome.

I must also take some time here to recognize all who played a role in making the Triduum and Easter Sunday so special. A huge thank to the many Eucharistic Ministers, Sacristans, Altar Servers, Lectors and Hospitality Ministers that were needed for our large Masses. Thank you to our Media Ministry as well. So many increased assistance and resources were needed due to the larger than normal Masses and locations.

Thank you to Adrian Soltys, our Director of Worship, and our Music Ministry: our cantors, our Band, and our Choir, for bringing incredible music to each of our liturgies. Thank you to Jessica Nicolosi and her team for the appointments and decorations that required numerous changes throughout the Triduum and Easter Sunday. Thank you to our young parishioners for their presentation of the Passion on Palm Sunday, at all five of our Masses, under the leadership of Patti Gardner and George Ennesser. You did a great job.

Thank you to all involved with our worship ministry and our staff who led or helped lead so many facets of our Holy Week. It truly takes “an army” to coordinate all the moving parts and roles that are needed. Thank you all for making Holy Week such a spiritually meaningful and beautiful experience.

This past Sunday we celebrated the Second Sunday of Easter or Sunday of Divine Mercy, to celebrate and experience the love and mercy of Jesus. Devotions for the Sunday of Divine Mercy included the Recitation of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy followed by a video, The Face of Mercy, produced by the Knights of Columbus and ending with open sharing/witnessing for those who desire to share how they came to know/love the devotion.

Following Christ began this Tuesday, April 9, 2024. This is the second part of the ChristLife program for those who have completed Discovering Christ. It is designed to help one delve deeper into our faith and its practice. The program runs every Tuesday evening for 6 weeks and a Saturday Retreat.

Once again, a heartfelt thank you to all of you and your great witness of faith.

God bless you.

Msgr. Tom

  • 908-232-1214
  • Monday - Friday: 9:30am - 5:00pm
Mass Schedule:
Daily: Monday-Saturday 9am
Weekend: Sat 5pm | Sun 8am | 10am | 12pm | 6pm
  • 1600 Rahway Avenue, Westfield, NJ 07090
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