We began Holy Week with Palm Sunday. We commemorated Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, greeted by people waving palm branches. The palms are a reminder for us to welcome Jesus into our hearts and to be willing to follow Him. Throughout the Season of Lent, we have been preparing for the celebration of the Paschal Mystery, the Sacred Paschal Triduum. Triduum is taken from a Latin root that means “three days” and it marks the final days of Jesus’ life, his death, and his resurrection from the dead.
On Holy Thursday there was the Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7:00PM, which marked the Passover Meal that Jesus shared with his disciples. We commemorate the Institution of the Eucharist, the Institution of the Priesthood, and the call to service. Jesus showed them what it means to serve by washing their feet
Good Friday is marked with fasting and prayer as a way to remember Jesus’ suffering and death on the cross. The Celebration of the Lord’s Passion was at 3:00 PM and includes the proclamation of Jesus’ passion and death from the Gospel of John, the Adoration of the Holy cross and reception of Holy Communion, consecrated the night before. Good Friday is the only day in the year when the Mass is not celebrated.
Holy Saturday is meant to be a quiet day, remembering the empty space that was present for the disciples of Jesus after his death and before his resurrection. They did not expect the resurrection and so were left in a place of grief. After sundown on Holy Saturday, The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night is celebrated at 8:00PM. It consists of the Lucernarium (literally means “light”), the Liturgy of the Word tracing God’s action through salvation history, Baptism and Eucharist It is this night we remember Jesus’ resurrection from the dead and His great victory over sin and death.
These three celebrations make up the Sacred Paschal Triduum, which is really one celebration spread over three days. It is of the greatest importance on our liturgical calendar, outranked by none other. Why not consider joining together for all three. It could change your life and give it new meaning.
God Bless You All,
Msgr. Tom