Cornerstone is a 26-hour retreat which provides you with the opportunity to reflect, renew and strengthen your faith while meeting other members of our community. The retreat is hosted by parishioners who have enjoyed the fruit of past Cornerstone retreats.
The idea of Cornerstone is simple, but its impact has been profound. Since the inception of this weekend retreat, over 2,000 men and women have attended Cornerstone at Saint Helen alone!
There’s no big mystery to Cornerstone weekend. It is simply ordinary people sharing stories and experiences of trying to live the Gospel amidst the challenges of the modern world. It’s a simple but moving experience.
The retreat is facilitated by a team of parishioners who have previously experienced Cornerstone. During the weekend, some members of the Cornerstone team will give talks which you will have the opportunity to discuss with others in attendance. It is a very casual atmosphere, and you may share in the discussion as much or as little as you’d like – or not at all, if that is your preference.
There will also be a number of opportunities to examine your relationship with God, you family and others in your life. Most of all, it is an opportunity to think about those things that matter most to you, in an atmosphere that lends itself to reflection and contemplation.
Monday - Friday: 9:30am - 5:00pm
Mass Schedule:
Daily: Monday-Saturday 9am Weekend: Sat 5pm | Sun 8am | 10am | 12pm | 6pm