Some people naturally give of their financial treasure. What they have been given by God, they easily give to others…whether or not they themselves live simply or with abundance. Yet, for some, it is hard to part with what we feel that we have earned through our own hard work. Many times, individuals—whatever their age—feel that they do not have enough money for what they “want” or that their money will “run out” before they need it.
As we consider the Treasure dimension of Stewardship, let us reflect on Scripture’s teaching about gifs of treasure:
“You shall bring the very first of the first fruits of your soil into the house of the Lord your God.” Exodus 34:26
When we bring the first fruits to the altar, we acknowledge God’s ownership of everything, not merely what is left over after we have met our own desires. We are returning to Him the gifts that he has so abundantly given to us. Do we think – and pray – about what we will offer to the Lord? Do we bring our first fruits or our last? Do we offer what is meaningful to us?