Stewardship Spotlight – Stewarding this Blessed Season

Each year, we may resolve to reset our Advent and Christmas focus on the spiritual importance of this blessed season. But the realities of our commitments and desire to make Christmas “extra special” for our children or other loved ones frequently take precedence. This year, when a later date for Thanksgiving shortens our time for Christmas preparations, we may feel especially pressured.

Amidst the frenzy and anticipation, we can reset to the coming of Jesus Christ by being a good steward of His presence in our daily lives. Here are a few ideas for you to consider:

• Light your Advent wreath candle every night at dinner. Pause to pray in silence with your family and then offer a chance for a child or other family member to offer their prayer of hope or thanks to the Christ child.

• Give a surprise gift of service to a friend or family member.  Let it be something unexpected, unanticipated, and unrequested. You may run an errand for someone, accompany them to visit an elderly relative, or invite them to a quiet cup of coffee in your home.

• Look for a few simple ways to reduce waste and be a steward of nature. Recycle gift bags; buy a gift for someone that is a necessity, not an extravagance; turn off unnecessary lights, even as you use extra energy for decorations.

• Set up a creche in your home to remind your family and visitors of your focus on Christ. Consider buying a “child-proof” creche that can be set up every year at the beginning of Advent.  Through their hands-on experience, children will learn with you the story of the birth of Christ, even if every detail of their own story is not perfect.

• Read the story of the birth of Christ in the Gospel (Luke2:1-20), initially to yourself.  Then, read a few sentences or sections each night with your children so that they, too, will become familiar with the story of Jesus’ birth.

Consider planning now which Christmas Mass you will attend—perhaps together with your family or inviting friends who live alone to join you. By placing Christ at the center, your gift-giving, time with loved ones, and even quiet anticipation of the birth of Jesus will be filled with the spiritual richness of this sacred month.

  • 908-232-1214
  • Monday - Friday: 9:30am - 5:00pm
Mass Schedule:
Daily: Monday-Saturday 9am
Weekend: Sat 5pm | Sun 8am | 10am | 12pm | 6pm
  • 1600 Rahway Avenue, Westfield, NJ 07090
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