Rooted in our earthly realities, we fix time and place to all of our experiences. We measure progress – or lack thereof – by what we complete or accomplish in any given time interval. While children are always eager for their next birthday; adults frequently wish to turn back the clock.
Yet, “with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day.” (2 Peter 3:8-9) And in Ephesians 5:15 we are reminded to use our time wisely, “making the most of every opportunity.”
Considering Stewardship of Time, parishioner JoAnn Murphy comes into focus not only for the abundance of ministries she has been involved in and how fully she uses her time but also for the sensitivity and awareness she has about the passage of time through her connection to ministries that span varying age groups and times of life.
“When I walked through the door at Saint Helen (about a decade ago), I felt welcome. There were smiles on people’s faces; they weren’t rushing out of church. I saw that people seemed to know one another.” We linger where we feel at home; we live in community through being present to others; we show visitors to Saint Helen that worship is important when we slow down our pace.
As a volunteer at the Center for Hope Hospice, JoAnn expresses her “passion for helping our hospice patients to die gracefully and live gracefully for as long as we can.” Ministering to these patients, and also training and mentoring others to care for those near the end of life, she helps make every moment meaningful, bringing comfort to the patient and their family.
By JoAnn’s account, a new senior ministry at Saint Helen had been discussed for a number of years. The time was now right to launch, “Ageless at Saint Helen,” when JoAnn and a group of her peers participated in conversations with Monsignor Tom to map out ideas and plans. “Our goal is to integrate our Senior community into a more active season of life so that they can not only bear the fruits of spiritual gifts but see the opportunity to socialize,” explains JoAnn.
As many have experienced, when retirement draws near and they no longer work, they want something more to do. While stepping away from the routine and commitment of daily work outside the home may initially seem appealing, “deep down many are not ready.” She laments that “today, companies are a lot different, so they don’t offer the human resources” to help plan one’s life post-retirement.
One of Saint Helen’s new “Ageless” ministry’s goals is to help the senior community find a way to channel their sense of purpose. While socializing is definitely important, the ministry views serving others as a way to stay connected and vital.
Providing that age is merely a number, JoAnn also brings her presence and grace to the other end of the age spectrum helping with Kids Corner, Religious Education programs, Vacation Bible School, and the Baptismal Ministry. Bringing generations together at the Parish is a future goal for the “Ageless” ministry.
“Our Parish has wonderful groups and support systems already in place. We would like “Ageless” to work together with these ministries inform our Ageless group that they are welcome anywhere and always and to feel at home right here at Saint Helen.”
Scripture helps us to reflect on our own Stewardship of Time: “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain wisdom of heart.” (Psalm 90:12)