Msgr. Tom’s Weekly Update – October 23, 2024

Some exciting family activities have been going on at St. Helen, all of them intended to help build a stronger parish community, develop friendships and expand our outreach.

Our Elementary Families Together (EFT) had our second annual Harvest Fest on Saturday, October 12th which included a DJ, line dancing, arts and crafts, trunk or treating and more. We had the first gathering of the new year of our families with small children through Catholic Families Connect (CFC) on Friday, October 18th. There was a shared meal, playtime for the children and a workshop for our parents conducted by Michele DeYoung on fostering change by promoting harmonious growth in parent-child relationships. All were asked to bring baby and maternity clothes for those in the Mercy House. Thank you for all of your donations!

While these are intended to be joyful and fun events for young children and their parents, we always focus on providing a connection to Jesus Christ, deepening the faith of parents and child alike, and and offering a time out from the demanding and full of activities of family life.

As part of our catechetical program, our First Graders were given a tour of our church. They were shown the tabernacle, explaining its purpose, reserving Jesus Christ really present, and how to be reverent when in front of it. They were shown our altar cloths and the different colors we use for the different liturgical seasons. They were shown the cornerstone and what was contained in each one. That’s just a small overview of a much larger tour.

The children asked some of the most amazing questions and some that made us all smile. I am grateful that they are so inquisitive and here to learn and experience our faith. Thank you to the adults who gave of their time to explain each of the locations on the tour.

Finally, please keep in mind that families are always welcome to bring the gifts forward at the Offertory Procession during Mass. If you are interested in doing this yourself or sharing the experience with your children or grandchildren, please let one of our Ministers of Hospitality know when you arrive before Mass.

God Bless You All,
Msgr. Tom

  • 908-232-1214
  • Monday - Friday: 9:30am - 5:00pm
Mass Schedule:
Daily: Monday-Saturday 9am
Weekend: Sat 5pm | Sun 8am | 10am | 12pm | 6pm
  • 1600 Rahway Avenue, Westfield, NJ 07090
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