Once again, it is time for the Annual Appeal, and I want to share some of my thoughts and perspectives on this important process. As you and I consider a gift to this year’s Appeal, please know that your contributions fund critical ministries and programs used to meet the goals and mission not only of the Archdiocese of Newark but those things that are integral to our mission here at Saint Helen. From my own firsthand experience in my days down in Newark, these funds provide 1) caring for the poor and vulnerable, 2) for proclaiming the gospel 3) for passing on the faith to future generations, particularly through the celebration of the sacraments, and 4) for forming future priests.
Each of these aligns so very closely to our parish’s mission. While they are all very important on an individual basis, I see them as almost completely in step with what is most important to our parish as we focus on worshipping God, serving others, and making disciples.
Every day, I think about the proclamation of the gospel, not only because I read the gospel every day, but because there is so much applicability to the ministry of our parish…be it with our young children, our middle school and Youth Ministry programs, our Young Adults at colleges and universities and our adult discipleship ministry and formation. It includes our marriage ministry as well as our new and emerging Mental Health Ministry and many other programs. All parishes directly benefit from the support and guidance we receive from resources at the Archdiocese who manage these programs and make them available to us.
Please prayerfully consider making a gift to this year’s either online on our website, in person, through the mail, or at rcan.org/sharing.
With much appreciation for all you are, all you do, and all you give,
Msgr. Tom