Here, you can view all upcoming Mass Intentions at our parish. Use the filters below to find the information you’re looking for easily.
Select a Month and Year: Use the dropdown menus to view intentions for a specific time period.
Search by Intention: Enter a name or keyword to find Masses dedicated to a particular person or event.
Reset Filters: Click the "Reset" button to clear your selections and view all upcoming intentions.
After applying filters, you can scroll through the results or click "Show More" to load additional intentions if available.
Note that Mass Intentions are available from November 30, 2024 onward.
Mass Date | Mass Time | Intention |
01-24-2025 | 9:00 AM | Kathy Curialle |
01-25-2025 | 9:00 AM | W. Michael Meyer |
01-25-2025 | 5:00 PM | Robert Baer |
01-26-2025 | 8:00 AM | Mary Jane Isola |
01-26-2025 | 10:00 AM | Richard Berdnik |
01-26-2025 | 12:00 PM | Sondra Varoli |
01-26-2025 | 6:00 PM | Rose Polito |
01-27-2025 | 9:00 AM | Lisa Nied |
01-28-2025 | 9:00 AM | Dennis Rooney |
01-29-2025 | 9:00 AM | Francis Pasterczyk |
01-30-2025 | 9:00 AM | Jose Sepulvida |
01-31-2025 | 9:00 AM | Catherine & Joe Vaszily |
02-01-2025 | 9:00 AM | People of the Parish |
02-01-2025 | 5:00 PM | Michael Caporaso |
02-02-2025 | 6:00 PM | Francesco Arena |
02-02-2025 | 10:00 AM | Angela & Gaspare Ricottone |
02-02-2025 | 12:00 PM | Helen & Emil Winnicker |
02-02-2025 | 8:00 AM | Lorraine Ciemniecki |
02-03-2025 | 9:00 AM | People of the Parish |
02-04-2025 | 9:00 AM | Maria Vella |
02-05-2025 | 9:00 AM | Dan Vaughn |
02-06-2025 | 9:00 AM | Angelo & Carmela Leone |
02-07-2025 | 9:00 AM | Marilyn Connors |
02-08-2025 | 9:00 AM | Terry Vinanskie |
02-08-2025 | 5:00 PM | David Calo |
02-09-2025 | 8:00 AM | Walt Ritter |
02-09-2025 | 10:00 AM | Susan M. Marian |
02-09-2025 | 12:00 PM | Thomas F. Tansey |
02-09-2025 | 6:00 PM | Diana Butler |
02-10-2025 | 9:00 AM | Jeanne Duffy |